Monday, April 16, 2012

The perfect job

It appears the perfect non-academic job for me has been posted today.  I know, based on reading other's experiences, that the 'perfect job' is not likely to turn out, but in this case, I really hope it does.  However, my previous poor track record regarding non-academic applications has me pretty freaked out.  I sure hope I can get the points across in my resume and cover letter, and I sure hope the HR department can truly take the time to properly evaluate my application.  The competition closes in two weeks, so I will keep everyone posted.  Has anyone had any luck with their 'perfect job'?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could comment on this and say I'd had luck with my perfect job, but I did want to follow up on the discussion we'd had on your last post. I just called to double check on some applications I mailed about a month ago. The HR people said they are still under I'm guessing the timeline on our job apps, those dream and otherwise, may be longer than we'd think/like.

    Best of luck with this position!
